FOCLIS is a nondemoninational organization of people involved in the library and information profession who are committed to the Christian faith and seek to reflect its principles in their personal and professional life.
Membership categories:
- Personal – $20
- Student – $10
- Retired – $10
- Corporate – $30
To join us, please email the information below to Jo Monahan FOCLIS President. She will include you on our email list and add you to our membership directory. Please follow the PayPal link below to pay your membership with a credit card or via PayPal account.
Information needed for Membership:
- Name
- Institution/Employer/Business
- Preferred Mailing Address (please indicate home or business)
- Primary email
- Secondary email
- Phone (please provide at least one phone contact)
- Primary phone
- Secondary phone
- (please indicate each phone number as Home, Office, or Cell)